Everything YOU ever wanted to know
about almond butter…
is here for YOU.


Thank you for whatever your reason for stopping by at almondbutterblog.com, we are so glad you did.🧡 And that is why we put so much effort and research into every article we write. YOU deserve the best and that’s what you’ll receive from us.

Thank you and enjoy,

The Almond Butter Team

PS-If you have any questions at all, please drop us a line and tell us. We will research and write up an article to answer your almond butter questions. Why? Because we understand you are NUTS like us for Almond Butter!😂🧡

Almond Butter

Almond butter is great on its own, or alongside your favorite fruit snack, on bread, crackers, or biscuits, and better still in your delicious desserts. If you’re not sure exactly how to with almond butter, then you are definitely in the right place.

Allergies & Dietary Restrictions

For those with allergies or dietary restrictions, almond butter can be a suitable alternative to peanut butter. Almonds are tree nuts, while peanuts are legumes, which means individuals with peanut allergies can often enjoy almond butter without any issues. However, it is important to check labels for possible cross-contamination and consult with your healthcare professional if you ever had allergies or are not completely sure** if you could have an allergy to nuts. **Almond allergy is reported in 9 to 15 % of people in the USA, according to www.thermofisher.com.

So in short anything and everything almond butter-related, will easily be found on these pages…😋

Almond Butter Keto Too

Oh and did you know that we have a whole tab section dedicated to Almond Butter Keto! Oh yes, so if you are even a teny-bit curious as to how does almond butter fit into a keto lifestyle, then please jump over to our Almond Butter Keto page and checkout all the awesome info we have for you and your lifestyle now.

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Varius lectus, rhoncus laboriosam, placeat id


Eleifend, provident urna vivamus vitae tortor.


Auctor aperiam ante repellat atque, facilis Sint.

Reader’s Thoughts

This Almond Butter Blog is great.
Glad I found it.


You guys really have everything about almond butter here. My girlfriend is happy now.

Daniel Rome

Wow. I always wondered about Almond Butter. But I really wasn’t sure what it was. You explain it so well. I will go buy some, next time I am in the supermarket. Thanks.

Joani G


Almond On The Tree


Almonds & Nuts At Harvest


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Almond Butter




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